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                                                       SERVICES OFFERED


A Wood Pole Inspection and Treatment- A program designed to meet your specific needs, Treatment, No Treatment, Resistograph, Full Excavation, Sound and Bore, Visual, Pole Restoration

Fire Protection- With Fire Protection becoming a larger problem in the we have a dedicated team who's sole responsibility is to install FIRE Mesh


Pole Asset Identification- Equipment Audits, Joint Use Audits, Phasing, Age Assessments


Mapping- Updating Existing Maps, Or Creating Maps, Numbering


Vegetation Management and Pad Mount Transformer Inspection 


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Premier Pole Inspection and its employees believe SAFETY is our Number 1 priority. Premier Pole Inspection has worked over 200,000 Hours without a Recordable Injury, Zero Lost Work Days and Zero Vehicle Accidents. EMR or  MOD rating below industry standard .00 another way we are saving customers money, keeping insurance rates as low as possible. 

Over 30 Years of Experience in the Utility Field

Premier Pole Inspection has inspected more than 200,000 Poles from more than 20 different pole owners with ZERO Failures and Zero Quality Issues.


We have installed fire mesh on 10,000 poles



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